I've tried to blog in the past and I've failed...miserably...but this one will be different, I swear!
Unlike past blogs, this combines all of my major non-academic interests- eating, having, making and wearing nice things, and being a nerd. I'll mostly be posting recipes, artwork that I have made, the occasional outfit and rarely, thoughts that strike my fancy.
Here are some things about me and about the blog-
1. My name has a sneaky J in it.
2. I was born in India and have spent a lot of time there. A lot of my food involves Indian flavors (cardamom anyone?) and I tend to incorporate Indian elements into my drawings and my clothing.
3. I used to teach science in a result, I get wayyyy too excited about combining baking soda and apple cider vinegar when I cook.
4. Food isn't just for taste, it's for health. Heart disease and diabetes run in my family and for various reasons, others close to me follow gluten-free, low starch, and anti-inflammatory diets. I try to keep these things in mind while I cook, so you'll find a lot of gluten-free and processed sugar free foods here. Hooray for almond flour and for honey!
5. Williams College is a horrible college. Ohio State is just horrible, period.
6. As a corollary to #5- Go Jeffs! and Go Blue!
7. I love to travel but haven't left the country in a long time. I travel vicariously through my tiny tiny kitchen.
8. I draw mostly w/ some Faber-Castel black ink pens, a 64 pack of crayola crayons (seriously, why don't more grown ups use these guys?) and any random paper I have lying around.
9. All photos on this blog are shot with a Nikon D-90 and minimally processed using Aperture.
10. Here's a picture I took of a Komodo Dragon looking pretty pleased with himself. Wouldn't you, if you were a dragon?
I've tried to blog in the past and I've failed...miserably...but this one will be different, I swear!
Unlike past blogs, this combines all of my major non-academic interests- eating, having, making and wearing nice things, and being a nerd. I'll mostly be posting recipes, artwork that I have made, the occasional outfit and rarely, thoughts that strike my fancy.
Here are some things about me and about the blog-
1. My name has a sneaky J in it.
2. I was born in India and have spent a lot of time there. A lot of my food involves Indian flavors (cardamom anyone?) and I tend to incorporate Indian elements into my drawings and my clothing.
3. I used to teach science in a result, I get wayyyy too excited about combining baking soda and apple cider vinegar when I cook.
4. Food isn't just for taste, it's for health. Heart disease and diabetes run in my family and for various reasons, others close to me follow gluten-free, low starch, and anti-inflammatory diets. I try to keep these things in mind while I cook, so you'll find a lot of gluten-free and processed sugar free foods here. Hooray for almond flour and for honey!
5. Williams College is a horrible college. Ohio State is just horrible, period.
6. As a corollary to #5- Go Jeffs! and Go Blue!
7. I love to travel but haven't left the country in a long time. I travel vicariously through my tiny tiny kitchen.
8. I draw mostly w/ some Faber-Castel black ink pens, a 64 pack of crayola crayons (seriously, why don't more grown ups use these guys?) and any random paper I have lying around.
9. All photos on this blog are shot with a Nikon D-90 and minimally processed using Aperture.
10. Here's a picture I took of a Komodo Dragon looking pretty pleased with himself. Wouldn't you, if you were a dragon?
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